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Risorse elettroniche - Novità: Lettere e filosofia

La collezione di banche dati e piattaforme editoriali, e-journals ed e-books della Biblioteca continua a crescere e aggiornarsi: scopri in questa guida le novità degli ultimi mesi, suddivise in base alle Facoltà dell'Ateneo.

Video tutorial

Textbooks on Cambridge Core

EBSCO Discovery Service

Proquest E-book central

eBooks - SpringerLink Tutorial - Italian

Le novità 2025 mese per mese

Database / Piattaforme editoriali

  1. Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity



  1. Filosofia e questioni pubbliche
  2. Sacramentaria e scienze religiose



  1. The people of the parables: Galilee in the time of Jesus
  2. Imperial pilgrims: a theological account of Augustine, empire, and the "just war on terror"
  3. Origen’s Revenge. The Greek and Hebrew Roots of Christian Thinking on Male and Femal
  4. Practicing intertextuality: ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman exegetical techniques in the New Testament
  5. Thecla's devotion: narrative, emotion and identity in the Acts of Paul and Thecla
  6. Exegetical gems from biblical Greek: a refreshing guide to grammar and interpretation
  7. The narrative self in early Christianity: essays in honor of Judith Perkins
  8. Beyond Mary or Martha. Reclaiming ancient models of discipleship
  9. African Cinema: Manifesto and Practice for Cultural Decolonization: Volume 2: FESPACO--Formation, Evolution, Challenges
  10. Methodology in the use of the Old Testament in the new: context and criteria
  11. Christian Origins and the Ancient Economy
  12. African Cinema: Manifesto and Practice for Cultural Decolonization : Volume 1: Colonial Antecedents, Constituents, Theory, and Articulations
  13. Women Who Do: Female Disciples in the Gospels
  14. African Cinema: Manifesto and Practice for Cultural Decolonization : Volume 3: the Documentary Record--Declarations, Resolutions, Manifestos, Speeches
  15. Philo's Influence on Valentinian Tradition
  16. Corporate Decision-Making in the Church of the New Testament
  17. Jairus's Daughter and the Female Body in Mark
  18. Afterlife and Resurrection Beliefs in the Apocrypha and Apocalyptic Literature
  19. Did Jesus speak Greek? The emerging evidence of Greek dominance in first-century Palestine
  20. Jesus and Magic: Freeing the Gospel Stories from Modern Misconceptions
  21. The story of the Bodmer Papyri: from the first monastery's library in Upper Egypt to Geneva and Dublin
  22. Mothers on the margin? The significance of the women in Matthew's genealogy
  23. Mark 13 and the return of the shepherd: the narrative logic of Zechariah in Mark
  24. The Pelagian controversy: an introduction to the enemies of grace and the conspiracy of lost souls
  25. John Chrysostom, Theologian of the Eucharist
  26. The adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  27. Feyerabend in Dialogue: Critical Essays
  28. Women and the Reformations. A Global History

Risorse elettroniche 2024


Scopri tutte le risorse elettroniche sottoscritte nel 2024 (banche dati e piattaforme editoriali, e-journals ed e-book) e presenti nel Catalogo d'Ateneo.
