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Risorse elettroniche 2023: Scienze politiche e sociali

Video tutorial

Textbooks on Cambridge Core

EBSCO Discovery Service

eBooks - SpringerLink Tutorial - Italian

Le novità 2023 mese per mese


  1. Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research
  2. Policy Insights 
  3. Policy Insights & Policy Papers 
  4. Cuadernos del Sur. Historia (En línea) 
  5. Revista de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán 



  1. Structural, Historical, and Comparative Perspectives 
  2. Pop Stars on Film. Popular Culture in a Global Market 
  3. Leviathan on a leash. A theory of state responsibility 
  4. Cross-Cultural Performance Management Transcending Theory to a Practical Framework 
  5. Our Fight Has Just Begun: Hate Crimes and Justice in Native America  
  6. Radicalizing Her: Why Women Choose Violence 
  7. Exploring Children's Suffrage. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ageless Voting 
  8. Education and Economic Development. A Social and Statistical Analysis 
  9. Nationalism and Internationalism Intertwined. A European History of Concepts Beyond the Nation State 
  10. Towards a European Reassessment of Punitive Law Enforcement? 
  11. Plural Policing, Security and the COVID Crisis. Comparative European Perspectives 
  12. Of Swords and Shields: Due Process and Crime Control in Times of Globalization : Liber Amicorum Prof. Dr. J. A. E. Vervaele 
  13. Police Use of Force: Global Perspectives and Policy Implications 
  14. The European Union as an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 
  15. Federalism and Constitutional Law 
  16. The Russia-Ukraine War Of 2022. Faces of Modern Conflict  
  17. Cambridge Companion to K-Pop 
  18. Persönlichkeitsschutz und Presseberichterstattung im deutschen und italienischen Recht 
  19. Zusammen Führen 
  20. Settingbezogene Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention in der digitalen Transformation 

Risorse elettroniche 2022


Scopri tutte le risorse elettroniche sottoscritte nel 2023 (banche dati e piattaforme editoriali, e-journals ed e-book) e presenti nel Catalogo d'Ateneo.
