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Risorse elettroniche 2024: Lettere e filosofia

Video tutorial

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EBSCO Discovery Service

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eBooks - SpringerLink Tutorial - Italian

Le novità 2024 mese per mese

Database/Piattaforme editoriali

  1. Lexicon Greek Grammarians of Antiquity



  1. Bianco & Nero
  2. Visual culture studies. Rivista semestrale di cultura visuale
  3. Folia historiae artium
  4. Oasis
  5. Archeologia e calcolatori. Supplemento
  6. Città e dintorni
  7. Journal of ecumenical studies
  8. Annuario storico della Valpolicella
  9. Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane
  10. Antiguo Oriente
  11. Regnum Dei: Collectanea Theatina a Clericis Regularibus Edita
  12. Annales theologici
  13. Historische Zeitschrift



  1. Hate Speech in Social Media. Linguistic Approaches
  2. Jung, Dante, and the Making of the Red Book: of Fire and Form
  3. Post-Trauma and the Recovery Governance of Cultural Heritage
  4. Beyond Canon. Early Christianity and the Ethiopic Textual Tradition
  5. Augustine and Tradition: Influences, Contexts, Legacy
  6. Reimagining Apocalypticism: Apocalyptic Literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Writings
  7. Reading Corinthians and Philippians within Judaism : Collected Essays
  8. Jewish Paul. The Messiah's Herald to the Gentiles
  9. Who Made Early Christianity? The Jewish Lives of the Apostle Paul
  10. Reading Paul within Judaism: Collected Essays of Mark D. Nanos
  11. Philo of Alexandria Scripture Index
  12. Nathan Mayer Rothschild and the Creation of a Dynasty
  13. Santuari e spazi confessionali nell’Italia tardoantica
  14. Smell, Memory, and Literature in the Black Country
  15. Women of Genius in Science.  Whose Frequently Overlooked Contributions
  16. Handbook of Research on Museum Management in the Digital Era
  17. Where Is Science Leading Us? And What Can We Do to Steer It?




  1. Principles and Praxis in Ancient Greek Philosophy : Essays in Ancient
  2. German Idealism and the Question of System
  3. Arheološki vestnik
  4. Letopis Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti
  5. Acta Musei nationalis Pragae - Historia (On-line)
  6. Il Cannocchiale
  7. Rivista Storica Italiana
  8. Storia Economica



  1. Principles and Praxis in Ancient Greek Philosophy: Essays in Ancient
  2. German Idealism and the Question of System
  3. Greek and Roman Religions
  4. Ecology and theology in the ancient world. Cross-disciplinary perspectives
  5. Jesus, the Gospels, and the Galilean Crisis
  6. First Urban Churches 4 : Roman Philippi
  7. Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John. A Christological spectrum
  8. The writings of Luke and the Jewish roots of the Christian way. An examination of the aims of the first Christian historian in the light of ancient politics, ethnography, and historiography
  9. Reading Proverbs Intertextually
  10. Reading Johannine Dramatic Irony Through Ancient Dramatic Devices
  11. The First Urban Churches 5: Colossae, Hierapolis, and Laodicea
  12. The First Urban Churches 2: Roman Corinth
  13. Phantasia in Aristotle's ethics: reception in the Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Latin traditions
  14. First Urban Churches 3: Ephesus
  15. An Indian trinitarian theology of missio Dei: insights from St. Augustine and Brahmabandhab Upadhyay
  16. Roman Emperor Zeno. The perils of power politics in fifth-century Constantinople
  17. Interfigural Readings of the Gospel of John
  18. Prayers and the Construction of Israelite Identity
  19. Museums, Archives and Protest Memory
  20. Contemporary Art and Unforgetting in Colonial Landscapes: Islands of Empire
  21. Beyond Realism: Naturalist Film in Theory and Practice
  22. Media Archaeologies, Micro-Archives and Storytelling : Re-presencing
  23. Aesthetics of Law: From Methodology to Manifestations

Database / Piattaforme editoriali

  1. Index Theologicus



  1. Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
  2. Archivo ibero-americano
  3. Anthologica annua
  4. Il Giorno
  5. Domani



  1. La stranezza che ho nella testa
  2. Exploring teachers in fiction and film : saviors, scapegoats and schoolmarm
  3. The To-day and To-morrow Reader
  4. Putting Daoist thought into practice : happiness, longevity, and enlightenmen
  5. News Corp: empire of influence
  6. Beyond innocence: children in performance
  7. Isaac Komnenos Porphyrogennetos
  8. Photographing the Liberation Struggle in Zimbabwe
  9. Tontine: a History
  10. The Language of Food: Through the Lens of East Asian Films and Drama
  11. Generative AI in Writing Education
  12. Walking as embodied research: drift, pause, indirection
  13. Analysing museum display: theory and method
  14. Practice theory and law: on practices in legal and social sciences
  15. The arts and computational culture: real and virtual worlds
  16. Biblia Regum: Bibbia Dei Re, Bibbia per I Re (sec. IV-XIII)
  17. Linguistics Across Disciplinary Borders: The March of Data
  18. Herausforderungen und Modifikationen des klassischen Theismus
  19. Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Diversity in a Global Perspective
  20. Linguistic Theories of Humor
  21. Pop Cinema
  22. The theatrical adventures of Edward Gorey : rare drawings, scripts, and stories
  23. Plato: A Civic Life
  24. On the Nature of Human Sexual Difference : A Symposium
  25. A council that will never end: Lumen gentium and the church today
  26. Histoire des Barberousse
  27. The Portuguese expedition to Abyssinia in 1541-1543 as narrated by Castanhoso
  28. Narrative of the Portuguese embassy to Abyssinia during the years 1520-1527
  29. Japanese travellers in sixteenth-century Europe : a dialogue concerning the mission of the Japanese ambassadors to the Roman Curia (1590)
  30. Travels of Ibn Battuta, A. D. 1325-1354 : Volume I
  31. Kosma aiguptiou monachou Christianike topographia / The Christian topography of Cosmas, an Egyptian monk

Database / Piattaforme editoriali

  1. Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity



  1. Filosofia e questioni pubbliche
  2. Sacramentaria e scienze religiose



  1. The people of the parables: Galilee in the time of Jesus
  2. Imperial pilgrims: a theological account of Augustine, empire, and the "just war on terror"
  3. Origen’s Revenge. The Greek and Hebrew Roots of Christian Thinking on Male and Femal
  4. Practicing intertextuality: ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman exegetical techniques in the New Testament
  5. Thecla's devotion: narrative, emotion and identity in the Acts of Paul and Thecla
  6. Exegetical gems from biblical Greek: a refreshing guide to grammar and interpretation
  7. The narrative self in early Christianity: essays in honor of Judith Perkins
  8. Beyond Mary or Martha. Reclaiming ancient models of discipleship
  9. African Cinema: Manifesto and Practice for Cultural Decolonization: Volume 2: FESPACO--Formation, Evolution, Challenges
  10. Methodology in the use of the Old Testament in the new: context and criteria
  11. Christian Origins and the Ancient Economy
  12. African Cinema: Manifesto and Practice for Cultural Decolonization : Volume 1: Colonial Antecedents, Constituents, Theory, and Articulations
  13. Women Who Do: Female Disciples in the Gospels
  14. African Cinema: Manifesto and Practice for Cultural Decolonization : Volume 3: the Documentary Record--Declarations, Resolutions, Manifestos, Speeches
  15. Philo's Influence on Valentinian Tradition
  16. Corporate Decision-Making in the Church of the New Testament
  17. Jairus's Daughter and the Female Body in Mark
  18. Afterlife and Resurrection Beliefs in the Apocrypha and Apocalyptic Literature
  19. Did Jesus speak Greek? The emerging evidence of Greek dominance in first-century Palestine
  20. Jesus and Magic: Freeing the Gospel Stories from Modern Misconceptions
  21. The story of the Bodmer Papyri: from the first monastery's library in Upper Egypt to Geneva and Dublin
  22. Mothers on the margin? The significance of the women in Matthew's genealogy
  23. Mark 13 and the return of the shepherd: the narrative logic of Zechariah in Mark
  24. The Pelagian controversy: an introduction to the enemies of grace and the conspiracy of lost souls
  25. John Chrysostom, Theologian of the Eucharist
  26. The adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  27. Feyerabend in Dialogue: Critical Essays
  28. Women and the Reformations. A Global History

Risorse elettroniche 2024


Scopri tutte le risorse elettroniche sottoscritte nel 2024 (banche dati e piattaforme editoriali, e-journals ed e-book) e presenti nel Catalogo d'Ateneo.
